How to Plant a Rose Bush

1) Dig a planting hole 15” – 18” deep and wide.

2) In the planting hole, sprinkle 1 cup gypsum (poke holes with a pitchfork to enable it to penetrate deeply).

3) Add approximately 5-6” of PermaTill over the bottom of the planting hole.

When planting a rosebush, as in building a house, you need to lay a good foundation.  The following steps will ensure your rosebush thrives for years to come.

4) Mix 1 cup lime with the removed soil & add a 2”- 3” layer of the removed soil/lime mixture over the PermaTill.

5) Spread 1 shovelful of compost or rotted barnyard manure over the removed soil/lime mixture in the hole.

6) Sprinkle ½ cup of superphosphate (0-46-0) over the compost or manure. Mix the components well.

7) Add more of the removed soil/lime mixture so when you set the rosebush in the hole, the crown (where the canes come out of the bush) are level or about 1” above ground.

8) Fill the hole around the rosebush with the remaining soil, but do not pack the soil.

9) Water well & form a 3” trench, about 8” from the crown, around the rose bush to hold the water.

10) Add 2 cups of alfalfa pellets/meal to the trench, water well and cover with soil.

11) Add 4” – 6” of mulch around the rosebush.

12) Newly planted roses should be watered 2-3 times per week until established. Water at the base, not overhead to discourage potential disease.

Note: Based upon soil test analysis of desired planting site, there may be needed modifications to this planting method.